Website Migration

For those who want to know, this site has been migrated to a new server. If you don’t notice any differences, then I did my job correctly. If you did notice any interruptions, I apologize.

It was supposed to be a seamless and simple procedure. It should have taken a mere hour to complete from start to finish. Alas, in this world of mine, things did not go as planned. To be blunt, my process was insufficient for the result I desired.

The process has been ongoing now for over a week. Even now, I would not claim confidence that all the bugs have been worked out. The new server, it seems, may decide to spontaneously not respond correctly for the request for a page. If this happens, simply wait a minute and try again. The server is not supposed to be like this. I have spoken with support, and they assure me it is being investigated and will be rectified. Once I receive confirmation this has taken place, I will update you as well.

While things may be uncertain, I am going to proceed with this update to my blog. If nothing more, it gives me something to do in the interim while I continue to monitor. And it lets you know that I have not simply abandoned this project. As I have stated in my previous post, while my life seems to be at its busiest, I still wish to continue with this blog.

That is all for now. Just a short update about this migration. Again, for you, it should appear that absolutely nothing has changed. All the strangeness is, as usual, on my end.